Genshin Impact Weapons guide — Best Weapons

Learn everything about the weapons system with this Genshin Impact weapons guide.

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Hamza Bakht

Key Takeaways

  • This Genshin Impact weapons guide will cover all aspects of picking suitable weapons for your characters.
  • Weapons are crucial for maximizing a character’s potential in Genshin Impact, contributing to stats, skills, elemental reactions, and damage output.
  • Weapon skills, substats, and refinement levels further enhance a character’s performance and allow players to tackle challenging content.
  • Choosing weapons with synergistic passives and optimizing secondary stats enhances a character’s effectiveness.
  • Refinement materials can be obtained during major events, often with an EXP boost for weapon ascension.

Weapons are vital for maximizing a character’s potential. They contribute to overall stats, enable powerful skills and elemental reactions, offer refinement buffs, and possess base attack values that directly impact damage output. Additionally, weapon skills, substats, and refinement levels further enhance a character’s performance, allowing players to tackle challenging content and optimize their gameplay experience. Choosing and upgrading the right weapons is essential for building powerful and effective characters in the vast world of Teyvat.

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Best Weapons in Genshin Impact

Choosing the best weapon in Genshin Impact can seem daunting, and you may just autopilot to YouTubers, Twitch Steamers or Tier Lists. It’s a lot more fun actually to understand the overall system and that’s what we’ll try to do in this Genshin Impact weapons guide.

In Genshin Impact, various weapons are available, each belonging to one of five categories: Swords, Claymores, Bows, Polearms, and Catalysts. These weapons play a crucial role in defining the playstyle and abilities of characters. We’ve covered 7 of the best weapons from each weapon class below.

Best Sword Weapons
Best Claymore Weapons
Best Bow Weapons
Best Polearm Weapons
Best Catalyst Weapons
So without further ado, let’s get into this Genshin Impact weapons guide.

Genshin Impact Weapons Guide

Weapon Stats Genshin Impact weapons guide

What is Base Attack?

The base attack of a weapon in Genshin Impact directly affects a character’s damage potential. Weapons with higher base attack values contribute to increased damage output. Equipping weapons with a high base attack is good as all your other Critical DMG and ATK% multipliers scale with it.

What is a Weapon Sub Stat?

Weapons of 3-star rarity or higher have sub stats. These provide a boost to a single attribute for your character. However, unlike artifacts this stat boost can go quite high on its own. Optimizing secondary stats can compensate for stats that your artifacts may be lacking. For example if your artifacts lack Energy Recharge or CRIT DMG, compensate with it using your weapon’s sub stat.

Common secondary stats include attack percentage, critical rate percentage, elemental mastery, energy recharge percentage, physical damage bonus, defense percentage, HP percentage, and critical damage percentage.

What are Weapon Skills?

Weapon Skills are special effects that activate when a character equips a specific weapon. Weapon skills are oftentimes what differentiates the good weapons from the best weapons in Genshin Impact. Most weapons have a single passive, though some may have multiple.

There’s too much diversity in weapon skills to go over completely in this Genshin Impact weapons guide. However, try to pay attention to your character’s combat style and role in the team. This will often give you insight into what kind of weapon skill would suit them. For example, a bow character like Tighnari who uses charged shots more often than regular shots, would prefer a weapon that enhances Charged Attacks.

What is Weapon Ascension?

skyward spine ascension Genshin Impact weapons guide

Weapons in Genshin Impact can be ascended up to level 90, resulting in a change in appearance. Ascending a weapon improves its base attack and unlocks new stat bonuses. Different weapon ascension materials are required, with rarer weapons typically needing more resources. It’s important to ascend your weapons because the Base Attack and Sub-Stat increase you get along with them is very valuable. This is because Base Attack is affected by all the multipliers on your artifacts.

What is weapon Refinement?

Weapon Refinement

Refinement involves increasing a weapon’s passive bonus, which can be refined up to five levels. Four identical copies of the same weapon are needed to refine a weapon. Each refinement level enhances the weapon’s passive ability. However, the materials invested in refinement cannot be recovered. Some weapons have unique event-exclusive items as refinement materials. Refinement materials are obtained through major events after updates, offering an EXP boost for weapon ascension.

Certain event-exclusive items can be used for refinements instead of weapon copies. Players can obtain refinement materials during major events after significant updates, often accompanied by an EXP boost for weapon ascension. Examples of such weapons include Festering Desire, Oathsworn Eye, and Fading Twilight

That concludes our basic Genshin Impact weapons guide with some of the most important elements to keep track of. If you liked this Genshin Impact weapons guide and want to post your own knowledge about the subject, be sure to check out the Z League App. You can also post your very own Genshin Impact Weapons guide and gain new followers.