Genshin Impact: Vice Principal’s Shocking Secret Revealed!

Discover the surprising revelation about the Vice Principal in this hilarious Genshin Impact tale!

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact has infiltrated the workspace of a kindergarten, leaving one teacher in shock! The Vice Principal’s hidden gaming secret is about to be exposed, and the reactions are priceless.


  • The kindergarten teacher discovers the Vice Principal’s surprising connection to Genshin Impact.
  • Comments speculate on the age demographics of Genshin players.
  • Humorous reactions to the Vice Principal’s gaming habits flood the thread.

Reactions to the Revelation

One user pointed out that many older players contribute to the game’s success, jokingly adding that they fund it. Another user questioned if being in the mid-thirties was considered old, sparking a comical debate about age. This post highlights the diverse player base of Genshin Impact, extending even to school administrators.

Waifu Appreciation

Users praised the Vice Principal’s choice of characters, noting that Jean and Klee showcased excellent taste. The thread turned into a celebration of waifus, with suggestions to compliment the Vice Principal’s refined selection of in-game companions.

Unexpected Player Demographics

Some comments speculated that the stickers on the laptop might belong to the Vice Principal’s child. Others playfully suggested informing the Vice Principal about their excellent taste in waifus as appreciation for their gaming preferences. The humorous exchange reflects the playful nature of the Genshin Impact community.

Overall, the revelation of the Vice Principal’s gaming habits created a light-hearted and entertaining discussion among Genshin Impact fans. It goes to show that Genshin Impact’s appeal transcends age and occupation, capturing the hearts of players from all walks of life.