Genshin Impact: Version 4.6 Event Wishes and Player Reactions

Find out how players react to the character reveals and changes in the latest Version 4.6 event wishes!

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact players dive into the latest Version 4.6 event wishes and share their varied reactions and speculations.


  • Players express mixed feelings about the character lineup changes.
  • Sentiments shift from excitement to disappointment based on individual expectations.
  • Discussion revolves around the absence of some characters like Kaveh and Layla.

Reactions to Character Lineup

Players like bellamochi07 express relief over character inclusions, stating, “Oh thank god, I was scared that after 4.4 faruzan won’t be on this banner.”

Disappointment Over Missing Characters

mabm0403’s simple message, “No Kaveh. T_T,” sums up the sentiments of many players who were hoping to see certain characters in the lineup.

Speculations and Excitement

advochaetzli’s plea for more characters in their summon indicates the eagerness of players to obtain specific characters based on their gameplay preferences.

Character Trust and Reruns

grahamanga’s trust in the banner featuring Kaveh showcases the trust players have in certain character appearances based on past experiences.