Genshin Impact: Unleashing Stealth Takedowns and Shenanigans

Enter the world of stealth and mischief in Genshin Impact. Shenanigans await as players devise cunning strategies.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact subreddit users are buzzing about stealth tactics and peculiar interactions within the game that involve Zhongli’s pillar. Much hilarity and excitement can be found as players explore unexpected gameplay quirks and unleash their inner assassins.


  • Exploring the comedic side of stealth mechanics
  • Finding new uses for character abilities
  • Player shenanigans reaching creative heights
  • Community bonding over shared experiences

The Hitman Mode

The concept of a Hitman mode in Genshin Impact is both amusing and somewhat frustrating. Players are discovering unique ways to exploit game mechanics and create their own narratives through stealth encounters.

Albedo’s EM Buff

Players have stumbled upon a surprising use for Albedo’s EM buff, showcasing the versatility of character abilities and encouraging experimentation within the game.

Assassin’s Creed Flashbacks

A humorous comment about cheesing NPCs in Genshin Impact, drawing parallels to the infamous stealth tactics seen in games like Assassin’s Creed. The community resonates with the comedic elements of NPC interactions.

Genshin Shenanigans

Embracing the unexpected moments and comedic timing in Genshin Impact, players come together to share stories of mischief and unexpected victories, creating a lighthearted atmosphere within the community.