Genshin Impact: The Struggle of Obtaining Useable Gear Sets

A Reddit user shares frustration over obtaining a whole set in Genshin Impact and finding it unusable.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact players face the woes of obtaining a whole set, only to find it unusable. This Reddit post reflects the common struggle among players to get gear sets that are actually usable in-game.


  • Players express frustration over obtaining gear sets with undesirable stats.
  • The sentiment of disappointment is prevalent among the community.
  • Some users humorously commiserate over their unfortunate luck.

Challenges of Gear Sets

Gearing up in Genshin Impact can be a rollercoaster ride. User ‘BlakeGT6’ sarcastically remarks, ‘And none is usable as usual:)’ highlighting the common issue of receiving gear with undesirable stats.

The Odds of Luck

‘LiIIium’ poses a mathematical conundrum, comparing the rarity of getting 5-star items in 10 rolls to obtaining 4 full sets of unwanted gear. The community contemplates the odds of such unfortunate luck.

Finding Humor in Misfortune

Users like ‘Hefty_Pianist_9582’ and ‘ariidrawsstuff’ find solace in humor amidst disappointment. From healing bonuses to defense percentages, players joke about the misfortune of their gear rolls.

Ultimately, the struggle of obtaining usable gear sets in Genshin Impact resonates with many players, creating a sense of camaraderie through shared woes.