Genshin Impact: The Knave Boss Fight – Hot Take or Just Right?

Players debate if the Knave boss fight in Genshin Impact is challenging enough or lacks depth. Hot takes abound!

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact players are split on the difficulty and excitement of the Knave boss fight. Some feel it’s lacking while others praise its simplicity and lack of gimmicks.


  • Endgame players found the Knave boss fight underwhelming due to lack of challenge.
  • Comparison to other weekly bosses in terms of difficulty and mechanics.
  • Debate on the balance between boss difficulty and player progression.

Powdz: Hot Take or Just Right?

Powdz acknowledges the hot take but prefers the Knave boss fight over other encounters due to its straightforward nature.

Skykeeper22: Endgame Players Hit Too Hard

Skykeeper22 mentions that endgame players crave a greater challenge and hints at a need for more difficult content.

karillith: The Complexity of Boss Mechanics

karillith discusses the complexities of boss mechanics and how they impact player enjoyment and engagement in Genshin Impact.

Ewizde agrees with the lack of invincibility phases in the Arle boss fight, finding it refreshing compared to previous weekly bosses.