Genshin Impact: The Challenging Prismatic on Fearless Event

The Prismatic on Fearless event in Genshin Impact is proving to be a true test of skill and strategy for players.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact community is abuzz with the challenges faced in the Prismatic on Fearless event. The event has sparked discussions around team compositions, strategies, and the level of difficulty presented to players.


  • Players find the Prismatic on Fearless event to be extremely challenging, pushing them to try different compositions and strategies.
  • There are mixed feelings about the event, with some enjoying the difficulty while others find it frustrating.
  • Feedback highlights the need for balance between difficulty and accessibility to cater to all types of players.
  • The event has led to discussions on ideal team setups, rotations, and the importance of food buffs.

Players’ Feedback

Powerful_Wombat expresses the struggle of facing the event with multiple compositions, emphasizing the significant difficulty spike compared to other game challenges.

Amon-Aka suggests the idea of a permanent endgame mode inspired by the event but with adjustments for all player types to enjoy.

JamesBell1433 shares the challenge of taking a considerable amount of time to defeat the boss, emphasizing the lack of success even without using specific strategies.

Insights on Strategies

2hokey4pokey advises using food buffs and specific team compositions to clear the event efficiently, sharing a detailed strategy for success.

F3rrun unveils a Venti-centric strategy for breaking corollas quickly, highlighting the importance of specific character abilities for optimal performance.

KKyuushin reflects on the event’s difficulty, deciding to step away due to the perceived lack of progress despite their efforts.

Community Dynamics

Players express varied opinions on the event’s challenge level, rewards system, and the overall enjoyment derived from attempting the Prismatic on Fearless event. While some find it exhilarating, others feel the difficulty may be too steep for casual players.