Genshin Impact: Reddit Users Discuss a Missed Opportunity for a New 4-Star Event Weapon

Discover how Reddit users feel about the missed chance for a new weapon in Genshin Impact's latest event.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact fans on Reddit are buzzing about a missed opportunity for a new 4-star event weapon. Find out what they have to say!


  • Users discuss potential lore-accurate Xinyan weapon.
  • Speculations on the type of weapon it could be.
  • Wishes for new playable character Dvorak.
  • Comparisons to El Kabong vibes.

Discussion on Xinyan’s Weapon

One user mentioned a lore-accurate Xinyan weapon, sparking a thread of speculations on its possible attributes and availability.

Playable Character Dvorak

Discussion shifted to desires for Dvorak to be a playable character, with creative suggestions on his potential role in the game.

El Kabong Vibes

A reference to El Kabong sparked nostalgia and comparisons in the comments, highlighting the impact of certain character traits on players.

Bringing Back Sealord

One user expressed disappointment for missing out on a specific weapon due to game mechanics, evoking discussions on game features and content accessibility.