Genshin Impact: PSA for the New Event – Use This Function Instead

Discover why Genshin Impact players are ditching the Kamera gadget in the latest event.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Genshin Impact, players are always looking for ways to optimize their gameplay, whether it’s through character builds or event strategies. Recently, a post on Reddit by SirPinkyToes has sparked a lively discussion among players about the best approach to a new event.


  • Players are advised to use a specific function over the Kamera gadget for the current event.
  • There is confusion and frustration among players regarding the functionality of certain in-game features for the event.
  • Suggestions were made by players on how to improve the event experience through gameplay mechanics.

Players’ Confusion and Frustration

Many players expressed confusion over the necessity of using the camera for the new event. Some questioned the relevance of taking screenshots and how it related to event progression. Kingpimpy shared, “why exactly do I need to use the cam for the new event? I don’t think there was a part where I needed to make screenshots.” This sentiment was echoed by other users who failed to see the purpose of the gadget in the event.

Calls for Improvement

Players like MorbidEel suggested that both the Kamera gadget and the recommended function should work in tandem to enhance the event experience. They commented, “They should have made it so both works.” This desire for a streamlined and functional gameplay experience resonated with many players who found themselves frustrated by the limitations of certain in-game tools.

Community Support

Despite the challenges faced by some players, there were instances of support and appreciation within the community. pone0810 exclaimed, “THANK YOU, YOU’RE A SAVIOR,” in response to a fellow player’s advice. This camaraderie and willingness to assist each other highlights the strong community bonds forged within the Genshin Impact player base.

In conclusion, the Reddit post sheds light on the diverse opinions and experiences of Genshin Impact players when faced with new in-game challenges. While some express frustration and confusion, others step in to offer guidance and support, creating a dynamic and engaging community experience in the world of Teyvat.