Genshin Impact: Paimon’s Voice Improvement Sparks Debate Among Players

Players discuss Paimon's improved voice in the latest update, sparking a range of opinions and hopes for the future.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact players are buzzing about Paimon’s improved English voice in the latest update. She now has a more pleasant, less screechy tone reminiscent of her earlier voice. The community is divided on whether this change was intentional or just a fluke.


  • Players appreciate the calmer, less screechy tone of Paimon’s voice.
  • Some feel that the voice change adds depth to Paimon’s character.
  • There are mixed feelings about whether Paimon should talk less or the Traveler should speak more.

Player Reactions

Players like lili-lith feel that Paimon’s new voice adds range and depth to her character, appreciating the narrative purpose it serves. On the other hand, FabregDrek mentions that while Paimon’s voice has improved, the constant high pitch was a problem, particularly in certain quests.

The Controversy

Some players, such as pioneeringsystems and fnatale97, express a desire for Paimon to speak less and let the Traveler take over more dialogues, while others, like hipeople91726, appreciate the recent voice change and hope it continues.

Future Hopes

Players, including spoopyacidfairy and wrongthingsrighttime, hope that the calmer voice for Paimon carries over to future quests and interactions, providing a more enjoyable experience for all.

Genshin Impact players are engaged in lively discussions around Paimon’s character development, voice acting, and the dynamics of player-character interactions. Whether you love her or wish she’d be quiet, the debate adds an extra layer of engagement and community connection to the game.