Genshin Impact: Non-Color Coded Characters Debate

Join the debate on non-color coded characters in Genshin Impact! Does clothing always match the element?

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact players are divided on whether characters’ attire should match their element. Some think deviation adds diversity, others prefer consistency. Charlotte stands out with a red outfit and Cryo Vision.


  • Deviation from color-coding in character design sparks debate among players
  • Some believe it adds visual interest and diversity, while others prefer consistency for clarity
  • Charlotte, with her red attire and Cryo Vision, exemplifies non-color coded characters

Ranging Opinions

Genshin Impact fans are sharing diverse opinions on the color-coding of characters in the game. While some appreciate the traditional matching of attire to vision, others find the deviation refreshing and engaging. Charlotte, dressed in red with Cryo Vision, is a prime example of this departure from the norm.

Design vs. Element

Players argue that character design elements, such as clothing patterns and overall aesthetics, play a significant role in conveying elemental affiliations. Characters like Albedo and Kazuha challenge the conventional color expectations, showcasing that visual cues extend beyond traditional color schemes.

Diversity in Design

The debate extends to characters like Beidou, Wrio, and Childe, whose attire deviates from their elemental alignments. Fans appreciate the creativity and complexity this adds to character design, giving each character a unique identity beyond their elemental traits.

In the end, Genshin Impact’s character design choices continue to spark discussions and debates among players, highlighting the diverse preferences within the community.