Genshin Impact: Name Suggestions for OC Character Spark Enthusiastic Response

Join the creative journey as Reddit users passionately brainstorm names for a vibrant Genshin OC.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact enthusiasts on Reddit are fervently suggesting names for a stunning original character. The OC, resembling butterflies in nature, evokes a flurry of imaginative monikers from the passionate community. Let’s dive into the captivating world of character creation!


  • Community dives deep into character inspiration, suggesting names that reflect nature and taxonomy.
  • Users draw parallels between the OC’s design and real-life entities, bringing a unique flair to the naming process.
  • Enthusiasts create vivid backstories for the OC, blending elements of fantasy and reality in their suggestions.


We need to know her personality, abilities, and importantly ethnicity she is based on!


Seems to be based on vibrant butterflies found in nature, the color palette heavily gives off poisonous vibes with the ample use of greens and purples. I’d say you can probably get away with naming them “Rhopalocera” which I think is the division for butterflies in taxonomy. You can also name them after a butterfly that closely resembles them like the *graphium weiskei* (very pretty I suggest you search them up). Also, I couldn’t help but notice their hair looks similar to a character from the anime “Gushing Over Magical Girls”.


Monieri, Verna, Vinca, Eunica, Ambica, Agathina, Clarissa, Ilia.




Just by color combination alone, this makes me think of a two-part character (like furina) except one stance is electro (attack stance), and the other is dendro (support stance). Hair style reminds me of Dehya and the dessert folk, while her garb looks dancer-like, similar to Nilou (though the tassels speak of Inazuma). A desert dancing of dendro and electro? with butterflies? Sounds like a vibrant oasis. Names that come to mind: Osara (oasis), Havana (haven), Violetta, Lavendra, Krysalia.