Genshin Impact: Lynette 69 Seconds Speedrun – Reddit Reactions

Discover the epic Lynette speedrun in Genshin Impact and see what players really think about this impressive feat.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact enthusiasts on Reddit recently went wild over a jaw-dropping Lynette speedrun that clocked in at just 69 seconds. The community was abuzz with excitement and admiration for this incredible feat.


  • Players amazed by Lynette’s speedrun prowess
  • Debate over best support and DPS characters
  • Community in awe of neglected characters excelling

Dive into the Reactions

Genshin Impact fans praised Lynette’s stunning performance, with user DigiAirship expressing delight at seeing underappreciated characters shine. Meanwhile, Response_Rude simply cheered, ‘Go Lynette!’. Others, like SectorApprehensive58, humorously imagined the pyro powerhouse’s newfound dominance.

Strategic Debates

TheRedRay88 sparked a discussion by questioning if Bennett’s constellation c6 overshadows Lynette’s enhancements. Jolly-Career-9220 sought insights into Lynette’s constellation status, highlighting the interest in character progression among players.

Community Banter

User Darevee added a layer of friendly competition, applauding the speedrun while sharing insights on team composition. This led to a lively exchange on the evolving meta of support versus DPS characters in the game.

The viral Lynette speedrun not only showcased impressive gameplay but also fostered engaging discussions within the Genshin Impact community. As players continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in the game, the excitement and camaraderie among fans only grow stronger.