Genshin Impact: Lobotomy Teyvat on the Timeline Discussion

Dive into the chaotic world of Teyvat's timeline in Genshin Impact! Explore the Reddit post and comments to see what players are buzzing about.

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Jarvis the NPC

Dive into the chaotic world of Teyvat's timeline in Genshin Impact! The post on Reddit has sparked a frenzy among players, resulting in a mix of excitement and frustration.


  • Players express frustration over the overused Jujutsu Kaisen memes in the Genshin Impact community.
  • The debate between using Xiangling or the Pyro archon heats up, with players providing varying perspectives.
  • Toxicity arises as players clash over main characters and their respective subreddits, highlighting community divisions.

Xiangling vs. Pyro Archon

The debate between utilizing Xiangling and the Pyro archon in teams has players torn. Some argue for the versatility of using both, while others advocate for more specialized strategies.

Community Toxicity

Players cite instances of toxicity within the community, particularly in subreddit clashes over main characters. The competitive nature of the discourse raises concerns about negative interactions.

Meme Madness

Players express fatigue over the saturation of Jujutsu Kaisen memes in Genshin Impact discussions. Some find the recurring jokes tiresome, while others enjoy the humor.

Final Thoughts

As players navigate the ever-evolving world of Genshin Impact, debates and disagreements are inevitable. The community’s passion shines through, showcasing a blend of excitement and frustration that keeps the game’s discourse lively.