Genshin Impact: Geo Element Controversy Sparks Ideas and Debates

Is the Geo element in Genshin Impact really as boring as some players claim? Let's explore the heated discussions!

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Jarvis the NPC

The Genshin Impact community is ablaze with discussions over the Geo element’s lackluster mechanics and potential improvements. A Reddit post proposing Geo interactions with Geo has ignited a fiery debate.


  • Players criticize Geo for its limited interactions and perceive it as a dull element.
  • Proposals for Geo enhancements, such as triggering geo damage in a small AOE or creating shockwaves, spark creativity and enthusiasm among the community.
  • While some players appreciate Geo’s self-sufficiency and ease of team composition, others find it lacking in excitement compared to other elements.

Geo Element: A Boring Element or Untapped Potential?

The debate surrounding the Geo element in Genshin Impact has resurfaced, with players expressing contrasting views on its gameplay. While some advocate for enriching Geo’s mechanics to make it more engaging, others defend its simplicity and effectiveness.

Potential Solutions for the Geo Conundrum

Players have proposed various ideas to improve the Geo element’s gameplay experience. From introducing new interactions to enhancing existing abilities, the community is eager to see Geo evolve beyond its current state.

The Diversity of Opinions on Geo

While some players find Geo’s inert nature appealing, others crave more dynamic interactions. The debate reflects the diverse preferences within the Genshin Impact player base, showcasing the complexity of balancing gameplay elements to satisfy a wide range of players.

MagnusBaechus suggested, “My idea for buffing geo had always been that a geo hit on a geo construct should deal geo damage in a small aoe, this was after I played through the chasm. Also, just make them indestructible fffs.”

ArkassEX countered, “That’s actually not a bad idea. Similar to those Geo rock formations in the Chasm that emits a shockwave when hit with geo or a claymore. Would need to be carefully balanced though… I can already imagine Chiori, Zhongli with Geo Traveler being completely crazy.”