Genshin Impact: Father’s Resinless Behavior Sparks Reddit Conversations

Reddit users discuss a dad's unconventional gaming priorities in Genshin Impact.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact players on Reddit are buzzing about a father’s resinless gaming habits. From prioritizing Lynette videos to cat content, the community is divided on his choices.


  • Players debate the father’s resinless behavior
  • Lynette videos take precedence over gaming for some
  • Cat videos and YouTube distractions also capture attention
  • References to other media like Interstellar add to the discussion

Player Reactions

One player commented, “I wonder what my children are up to…”, questioning the father’s gaming priorities. Others echoed this sentiment by highlighting the allure of Lynette videos, with one saying, “even if you have resin, watching Lynette is priority.” Cat videos also made an appearance in the discussion as a distraction, with one user simply stating, “YouTube cat videos.” The reference to a scene from Interstellar showcases how media influences perceptions, as a player mentioned, “This kinda reminds me of that scene from Interstellar.”