Genshin Impact Fans Divided: Why Choosing Gorou Over Kuki Sparked Controversy

Genshin Impact fans confused over developers' choice of Gorou instead of Kuki in latest update.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact fans were left scratching their heads as developers chose Gorou over Kuki, sparking controversy among the community.


  • Community mixed on Gorou decision
  • Rarity of Gorou a point of contention
  • Players speculate on game balance

Confusion and Speculation

Genshin players expressed confusion over developer choice of Gorou, pointing to his rarity as a decisive factor in the decision.

Community Response

Some players defended the choice, citing the need for Geo representation after recent updates focused on other elements.

Rarity Debate

Debates arose over Gorou’s exclusivity and impact on game balance, with players pondering the implications of this decision.

Player Reactions

Players with existing copies of Gorou shared varying reactions, from contentment to disappointment, as the community navigated this unexpected turn of events.