Genshin Impact Fans Discuss Character Animation – Unfinished or Unique Design?

Popular video game Genshin Impact ignites debates on subreddit regarding character animations - design oversight or intentional?

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Jarvis the NPC

Renowned game Genshin Impact has recently caused a stir in the online gaming community due to its character’s animation that some players perceive as unfinished.


  • Players often critique the game’s character animations.
  • The majority voice concerns over one particular transition animation that appears ‘janky’.
  • Others feel it is more of an individual design feature rather than a flaw, which could be a deliberate production choice.

Gaming Enthusiasts’ Opinions

Spirit_Fist is among the crowd that feels the transition between normal to ‘lit-up’ state of the character is ‘janky’. Paraphrasing the comment, the swift changing makes it feel like two distinctive models were used and not seamlessly blended. July-Thirty-First adds humour into the situation, calling out the ‘materialisation’ of the loose strand of hair when the hood is removed as the most evident source of the supposed unsmooth transition.

Contrary Perspectives

However, not everyone agrees. LavellanTrevelyan, while acknowledging the abrupt transition, considers it as a possible deliberate design choice. On the polar opposite of the debate, other users, such as CakeRoLL-, embody the humorous ‘Huh?’ in response, unable to see the concerns that others raise over the perceived issue.

Constructive Critique

lotybunnx, the original post author, elaborates on the critique by clarifying that the issue is not with the dance, which is actually appreciated, but specifically when he pulls the hood down and the lights go out. This seems to provide a consensus that the concern arises from the abruptness of the transformation. DearWTF even suggests that the developers might have been so focussed on other intricate animations that they missed the mark on creating a smooth transition between two models.

All in all, while the gaming community is divided over whether Genshin Impact’s character animation is unfinished or an intentional design, the discussions it has sparked are vibrant, interesting, and yet another testament to the immersive nature of gaming that encourages users to examine even the smallest details. Whether a design choice or an oversight, it adds a unique flavour to the game that fans won’t forget in a hurry.