Genshin Impact Discussion: Elemental Reaction Icons – Quicken, Aggravate & Spread Evaluated

Analyzing the discussion around new elemental reaction icons in Genshin Impact on a popular gaming forum.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact, a popular role-playing game, is stirring major buzz due to its latest introduction of new elemental reaction icons – Quicken, Aggravate, & Spread, showcased by the user ‘yummieee’.


  • Designs were not universally loved, with ‘Gwyn_Michaelis’ pointing out some thematic issues.
  • The creator of the icons ‘yummieee’, used these designs for his ‘abyss 12 cheat sheets’.
  • A few commenters were sharing cheeky humor, with ‘StoneCold70’ referencing game characters Ei and Yae.

The Design Debate

Not everyone was on board with the new iconography. Gwyn_Michaelis provocatively compared the designs to controversial artwork, saying ‘These designs aren’t beating the womb tattoo allegations any time soon’. However, they did end by complementing the creator and suggesting this could fit well within the game.

Creator Ambition

yummieee, the creator of the icons, expressed that boredom led him to create the icons and that he’s already using them in his ‘Abyss 12 cheat sheets’, showing how invested and motivated users can get in striking game enhancements — a big thumbs up for user innovation.

Character References & Humor

Some commenters couldn’t resist making game specific jokes. StoneCold70 brought up characters Ei and Yae in reference to the icons, showing off their in-depth knowledge of Genshin Impact’s lore in a lighter vein. This shows the fanbase’s humor intertwined with attention to game detail.

Constructive Criticism

CataclysmSolace suggested the ‘Spread’ icon should have more of a Dendro element rather than just being a recolor of ‘Aggravate’. This gives game developers insights into how observant and demanding players are on even small details, pushing for unique designs for each element.

So, with a game as immersive and diverse as Genshin Impact, even something as intricate as elemental reaction icons stir insightful reactions (pun totally intended). From debates about their design, to injecting in-game humor, and sharing creative suggestions, players continue to amaze us with their passion and commitment. Whether the dev-team takes these to heart or opts for a new design, this lively discussion underscores the best part of being in the gaming community… the players themselves.