Genshin Impact: Changing Minds One Player at a Time

Find out why this former hater now sings the praises of Genshin Impact in this Reddit post.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact has managed to convert yet another critic into a devoted fan, as seen in this Reddit post.


  • The Genshin Impact community continues to welcome new players with open arms.
  • Preconceptions about the game often fall away once players give it a chance.
  • Joining the Genshin community means embracing the unexpected, like newfound respect for the game.

Genshin Love

Majority of Genshin haters are players that have never played this game or have burnt out of it. I am glad you gave it a chance, Enjoy the game!

Community Camaraderie

My friend said the same, he wanted to prove me how Genshin is a shit game, but he tried it and he’s playing it every day. Anyway, we’re all glad you joined the community. The GOOD part of the community, not the other one(they’re weird)

Unexpected Allies

“The enemy who turned good is the best ally.” -Master Oogway (he didn’t say this, but still)

I see that Beeglesnart has learned this day