Genshin Impact: Achieving Epic Gamer Status with 1226 Achievements

Celebrating a monumental accomplishment in Genshin Impact with 1226 achievements! Join the achievement club today.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the vast world of Genshin Impact, one player has finally achieved the remarkable feat of obtaining all 1226 achievements. Known as procrastinate-n-chil, this player’s success has sparked admiration and curiosity among fellow Genshin enthusiasts.


  • Procrastinate-n-chil sets a new milestone with 1226 achievements in Genshin Impact.
  • Players share their progress and express admiration for the incredible feat.
  • Challenges like fishing and multiplayer achievements are highlighted as significant hurdles.

Congrats and Curiosity

One user, captfs, joins the celebration stating, ‘Congrats! I also got my 1226th achievement today, now I’m just making furnishings for every possible friendship gift I can get from the teapot lol.’ The sheer dedication and creativity in celebrating this achievement showcase the camaraderie within the Genshin Impact community.

The Road to Completion

Several players, like Lazy-Traffic5346 and CreepyGuardian03, share their progress, with one noting, ‘I have 959 or something,’ while another expresses the grind ahead, ‘I need to farm ley lines for 10 weeks straight if I want to get the ley lines achievement… that’s going to be pain.’ The journey to completion is filled with both joyous milestones and daunting challenges.

Achievements and Annoyances

endymzeph discusses the varied experiences of achieving different goals, mentioning, ‘100% map was enjoyable, fishing was easy, 2000 leylines can be done easily if I busted my stock of resins.’ Players reflect on the blend of satisfaction and frustration that comes with tackling the extensive list of achievements in Genshin Impact.

In the world of Genshin Impact, the pursuit of achievements is a testament to grit, dedication, and a shared love for this captivating universe. Each milestone reached signifies not only personal triumph but also a bond with a community united in their passion for gaming excellence.