Genshin Impact: A Comical Dive into Itto’s Best ‘What?!’ Moment

Explore the funniest reactions from the Genshin Impact community on Itto's surprising moments in-game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Every once in a while, gaming communities light up as charismatic characters in games like Genshin Impact spawn moments that are absolutely unforgettable. One such moment is the laugh-out-loud ‘What?!’ exclamation made by the beloved character Itto. Let’s dig deep into what the gaming community had to say about this.


  • Itto’s humorous appearance and dialogue continue to delight players, invoking a sense of joy and amusement.
  • The relationship and banter between Itto and Paimon are highlighted as being fun and dynamic.
  • Some fans found Paimon’s refusal particularly interesting, metaphoric with the camera panning on her.
  • However, a different opinion seems to call out the conversation as tired and predictable.

Gaming Community Reactions

Itto’s appearance on-screen seem to never fail to make the Genshin Impact community smile with delight. As one user, bigcoconuts1 put it, ‘Every time, when Itto appears I just can’t stop smiling and laughing.’

Furthermore, Itto’s dynamic with Paimon ups the comedy factor in-game. User LivingASlothsLife notes, ‘Itto really brings out the best version of Paimon and their dynamic is always fun.’

What Makes Itto and Paimon’s Exchange Memorable

A sense of anticipation was created by the clever use of the camera focusing on Paimon during her refusal. User afr830 suggested that Paimon’s refusal seemed so significant that they ‘half expected ace attorney music to play.’

The phrase ‘#DAGA KOTOWARU,’ as mentioned by both Golden-Owl and TheWitcherMigs, had the community rolling with laughter, further emphasizing how character dialogue can lead to shared amusement among fans.

A Not-So-Favorable Take

However, not everyone seems to be on board with the humor. User PrestigiousIdea7471 expressed that the conversation was ‘tired, banal, and predictable,’ leading them to yawn through the dialogue. This difference in reception shows how humor tends to be subjective and not always universally appreciated.

What hits the chord of hilarity for most players can sometimes miss the mark for the others. From big outbursts to tiny gestures, the world of Genshin Impact continues to amuse its players with character interactions that elicit laughter and invite a variety of opinions. Regardless of where you stand, this particular situation highlights the impact – pun intended – that Genshin Impact has on the gaming community.