Garen: The Easiest Beginner’s Champion in League of Legends

New To League of Legends? Give Garen a shot to help simplify the learning process

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Why is Garen among the easiest champions in LoL?

If you’re a beginner who is just learning how to play League of Legends, you may find it daunting to pick a champion to begin your journey. To make the choice easier for you, we’d highly recommend Garen, the Might of Demacia as your first champion to master. In this article, we’ll explain why Garen is the ultimate beginner’s champion and perhaps one of the easiest champions in LoL (if not the easiest).

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Garen’s Simple Kit Makes Him Easy to Learn

One of the most difficult challenges for newcomers to League of Legends is learning the skills (often referred to as ‘kit’) and proper mechanics of the champion you want to play. This can often be overwhelming, especially when you’re learning the overall gameflow, roles, itemization, and team objectives. No one wants to get flamed by their teammates when they’re new to the game! This is where Garen comes in – he’s by far one of the simplest champions to get started with. His abilities are easy to comprehend and combos are simple to execute with devastating effect, even for beginners.

It’s important to note that Garen has zero skill shots – everything is point and click when it comes to this ‘spin to win’ champion. With the complexity of skill shots out of the way, it makes it much easier and simpler for players to learn the game (and do relatively well) by focusing on decision making since execution is easy.

Top lane is great for beginners

While there is flexibility in roles, champions in League of Legends are naturally suited for a specific lane. For Garen, his assigned lane is often Top lane. This is advantageous for beginners as Top lane is often referred to as the “1v1” lane, where you can often distinguish who your opponent will be ahead of time and focus on learning basic lane mechanics without as much fear of constant ganks from the enemy Jungler. 

Playing Top lane will help new players develop the basics of creep management and effectively ‘trading’ with the enemy top laner while minimizing more advanced game play mechanics.

Garen’s Durability Makes Him a Strong Lane Presence

A key area for improvement for many beginners is how to maximize time in lane to soak experience and gain gold. With this in mind, Garen is one of the easiest champions to play to ensure that you dominate your lane. His passive ability, Perseverance, will regenerate health automatically while Garen is not being struck – this is a huge advantage compared to other champions that have to rely on potions in the early game and frequent teleports back to their nexus, causing them to lose out on experience and gold. His W ability, Courage, will help to significantly reduce enemy burst damage, and emboldens his play around enemy towers.

Garen can further punish the enemy by crashing creep waves into enemy towers with his fast wave clear by using his E ability, Judgement. This makes Garen an easy choice when it comes to macro play and split pushing. 

Garen’s Q, Decisive Strike, can also be used effectively to close the distance in a chase or it can be used defensively as an escape. Both use cases are highly effective in extending Garen’s time in lane.

All-in-all, Garen is one the easiest champions in LoL when it comes to sustained time in lane and lane domination.

Garen’s Damage Output and Crowd Control Makes Him a Serious Threat in Team Fights

While Garen’s abilities tend not to scale in late game when it comes to damage output (especially compared to ADCs), he can nevertheless have a significant impact when it comes to team fights.

For damage output, it’s important to remember that Garen’s ultimate, Demacian Justice, does true damage, which will negate the effect of armor stacking. It also does damage on a percentage basis, which helps against enemy tanks that are stacking health. Don’t forget that Garen’s E, Judgement, also has armor penetration that your teammates can take advantage of!

From a crowd control perspective, Garen’s Q, Decisive Strike, has a built-in silence, which can be tide-turning when it comes to shutting down a skill-burst from the enemy. It can also be used to effectively to break enemy combos during the laning phase. 

Additionally, Garen is often built with Stridebreaker as his core mythic item. Stridebreaker’s active, which has an Area of Effect (AOE) slow helps Garen finish off mobile enemies in both 1v1 and team battles. As the slow is AOE, your teammates can also benefit greatly from this ability – who knows, you might just be key ingredient to ensuring your team gets a few ACEs!