Gaming News: Why Players Are Struggling to Finish Games in 2023

Find out why players are struggling to complete games in 2023 despite having access to numerous titles.

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: A Reddit user shared their gaming experience in 2023, spending hours on various games but not finishing any. This highlights a common trend among gamers struggling to complete games despite having many options.


  • Players are experiencing difficulty finishing games due to short attention spans and shifting interests.
  • Modern game design and technology may contribute to gamers quickly moving on to the next title.
  • There is a consensus that it’s okay to stop playing a game if it’s no longer enjoyable, emphasizing the importance of fun over completion.

Players’ Dilemma

Many gamers in the comments resonated with the original poster’s struggle to complete games, citing similar experiences with iconic titles like World of Warcraft and Cyberpunk. The sentiment of not wanting to force oneself through a game just for the sake of completion was prevalent.

Impact of Short Attention Spans

Some users linked the issue to decreasing attention spans influenced by modern technology, leading to a constant search for dopamine hits and quick gratification, making it challenging to stay engaged with a single game for an extended period.

Pressure to Finish Games

While some players discussed feeling pressure to finish games to justify their purchase, others emphasized the importance of enjoying the experience rather than focusing on completion metrics. The idea of playing games at one’s pace without external pressures resonated with many in the community.

The gaming landscape has evolved significantly, offering a plethora of titles and experiences for players to explore. However, this abundance can also lead to decision paralysis and the temptation to move on to the next shiny game before fully experiencing the current one. As gamers navigate this sea of options, it’s crucial to remember that gaming should be about enjoyment and personal fulfillment rather than ticking off a checklist of completed titles.