Gaming News: Why Developers Aren’t Making Arcade-y Sports Games Like SSX Anymore

Discover why the beloved arcade sports games like SSX are missing from the gaming scene.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of gaming news, one Reddit user, Pugilist12, sparked a discussion on why developers seem to have abandoned the beloved arcade-y sports games like SSX. The post reminisced about the past titles and expressed a desire for similar games to make a comeback.


  • Developers prioritize AAA titles over arcade-y sports games due to profit margins.
  • Indie games and mobile platforms may be the new home for arcade-style sports games.
  • The decline in popularity of extreme sports has also contributed to the lack of new titles in this genre.


RiskyKale suggests that arcadey games like SSX have transitioned to mobile or indie platforms since the era of the Wii, which was the last console to heavily support such games. This shift may be due to changing market trends and audience preferences.


Shepherdsfavestore fondly remembers EA Big and its lineup of popular titles like SSX, NFL Street, and NHL Hitz. The user expresses a desire for a revival of these games, highlighting the fun and excitement they brought to gaming.


AReformedHuman provides a cynical perspective, attributing the decline of arcadey sports games to the industry’s focus on maximizing profits. Despite the potential for smaller budget games to thrive, the emphasis on blockbuster AAA releases prevails.