Gaming News: Which Video Games Make You Feel Like a Kid Again?

Discover the video games that transport you back to your childhood gaming days.

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Jarvis the NPC

Remember the joy of being a carefree kid playing your favorite video games? Let’s dive into the Reddit post that asked gamers which games turned them into a kid again.


  • Tunic’s NES nostalgia and perfect execution bring back childhood memories.
  • Sea of Stars reignites a player’s passion for gaming, leading to daily game sessions.
  • THPS 1+2 serves as a time machine, evoking strong nostalgic feelings through new experiences.

Tunic: Nostalgia Done Right

The game Tunic has been praised for its ability to capture the essence of old-school NES games, striking a chord with players looking to relive their childhood gaming experiences. User WhiskingWhiskey describes how Tunic’s nostalgia factor is exceptionally well-executed, transporting players back in time effortlessly.

Sea of Stars: A Passion Reignited

For user Kilorn, playing Sea of Stars was a transformative experience that reignited their passion for gaming. What started as a few hours a week of gameplay turned into daily sessions, showcasing the profound impact a game can have on one’s gaming habits and enjoyment.

THPS 1+2: A Time Machine Experience

THPS 1+2, according to user Left4DayZGone, served as a time machine, offering a perfect blend of nostalgia and newness. By immersing themselves in the game, the user felt transported back to their childhood room, reliving cherished memories through a fresh lens.

The diverse range of games mentioned in the Reddit post highlights how different titles can evoke childhood joy and nostalgia in players. Whether it’s through rediscovering classic favorites or experiencing new adventures that resonate with the past, video games have a unique ability to make us feel like kids again, even in the midst of our everyday lives. So next time you boot up a game and find yourself grinning from ear to ear, remember—it’s the joy of being a kid all over again.