Gaming News: What Video Games Do You Love More for the Lore Than Gameplay?

Find out why gamers are playing games they don't like just for the storyline! Discover their hidden gaming secrets!

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Jarvis the NPC

Are there any video games you play more for the lore than the gameplay? A Reddit thread explores this topic, with gamers sharing their experiences and preferences.


  • Players enjoying game lore despite disliking gameplay mechanics
  • Preference for story-driven games over challenging gameplay
  • Community consensus on appreciating narrative depth

Warhammer 40k: A Universe to Explore

For many gamers, Warhammer 40k is a lore treasure trove despite never playing the actual game. The rich 40k universe captivates without needing direct engagement.

Dark Souls: A Love-Hate Relationship

Some find Dark Souls compelling due to its lore but grapple with its punishing gameplay mechanics, showcasing the dichotomy of enjoyment and frustration.

Mortal Kombat: Story Mode All the Way

While some shy away from mastering fighting game skills, Mortal Kombat’s engaging story modes keep them invested in the intricate narratives.

Witcher Series: Struggle with Controls

Despite struggling with game controls, the Witcher series’ immersive world and lore still manage to capture the hearts of many players.