Gaming News: What Graphical Effects Surprised Gamers?

Gamers discussing surprising graphical effects on outdated hardware. What wowed them?

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever played a game and been blown away by the graphical prowess of the hardware it was running on? Well, on a recent Reddit post, users shared their experiences of graphical effects that astounded them for the tech they were on.


  • Old games had cutting-edge effects for their time.
  • Some gamers were amazed by the realism achieved on outdated hardware.
  • Developers pushed the limits of technology to surprise players.

Wave Race 64 Water Effects

One user recalled being amazed by the water effects in Morrowind. Buying a new graphics card made the game’s visuals truly stunning, especially when it started to rain in-game, leaving them in awe.

Rare’s Masterpiece on N64

Conker’s Bad Fur Day’s intricate details and multiplayer modes ran smoothly on the N64, showcasing Rare’s mastery in game development.

Donkey Kong’s 3D Models

The transition from 3D models to 2D sprites in Donkey Kong Country for the SNES left a user mind-blown at the ingenuity behind the graphical effects.

Complex Sounds on Outdated Hardware

While not solely graphical, games in the late 80s and early 90s that generated music and speech via onboard speakers without a sound card impressed players with their innovative use of tech.