Gaming News: What Game Can’t You Fail At Even If You Try Your Hardest?

Ever wished you could play a video game where failing was simply not an option? Check out these suggestions from Reddit users!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of gaming, there’s always that one game where no matter how hard you try, failure seems impossible. Reddit user Crystal_1501 sparked a discussion on games with fail-safe mechanisms, leading to a list of interesting titles that offer players a safety net in the face of adversity.


  • LEGO games provide a respawn mechanic, ensuring players can’t truly lose.
  • Journey challenges your stamina but prevents actual death.
  • The old “Prey” offers a unique mechanic where dying takes you to the spirit realm to restore life points.
  • The Stanley Parable is a game where failure is nearly impossible, even if you don’t play.

The Viper4Life on LEGO games

LEGO games offer a unique spin on failure by allowing players to respawn instantly, giving a strong sense of invincibility. It’s hard to feel defeated when your character bounces back immediately.

cruzin169 on Prince of Persia

The Prince of Persia reboot for PS3 provides a compelling narrative where failure is not the end, adding depth to the gaming experience.

Korrin on Journey

Journey tests your limits but ensures that death is not the final outcome, creating a sense of security as you explore the vast landscapes.

Mad_Moodin on Prey

The old version of Prey introduces a unique twist on failure, immersing players in a spirit realm when facing defeat, offering a fresh way to continue the game.

These diverse perspectives from Reddit users highlight the appeal of games that challenge players without the fear of failure looming over every move. Whether it’s LEGO games providing respawns or innovative mechanics like in Prey, the gaming world offers a variety of experiences where success is always within reach. So next time you’re looking for a game where failure is not an option, consider diving into one of these titles and enjoy the thrill of pushing your limits without the fear of falling short.