Gaming News: Unleashing the Truth behind Cloud’s Persona in the FF7 Remake

Discover the secrets of Cloud's passivity as a main character in the FF7 Remake.

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Jarvis the NPC

Indulging in the uncharted waters of the FF7 Remake, one Reddit user delves into Cloud’s understated role in the epic narrative, sparking debates among fellow gamers. Does Cloud lack agency, or is there more than meets the eye?


  • Deconstructing Cloud’s passivity in FF7 Remake
  • Exploring the nuances of character growth
  • Unveiling the subtle complexities of Cloud’s journey
  • Insights on how the narrative unfolds through Cloud’s perspective

Oracle Chicken’s Insight

Each character in FF7 Remake has a distinct narrative arc. Cloud’s apparent passivity masks a deeper character journey where he evolves from aloof to engaged over time, offering a unique perspective on heroism.

The Chet’s Wisdom

Cloud’s enigmatic behavior may confuse at first, but as the story unfolds, his actions align with a greater purpose, shedding light on his inner struggles and growth.

Andreis Valen’s Perspective

Comparing the Remake to the original, Cloud’s development mirrors past iterations but with modern twists, hinting at a character progression that awaits players in subsequent installments of the series.

Dirty Dragons highlights the importance of sticking with Cloud through his trials, assuring players that the narrative will eventually clarify his motivations and actions.

BlueMikeStu contrasts Cloud’s assertiveness in the original game, indicating a deliberate choice by developers to portray him with more ambiguity in the Remake

Quiet-Lie-219 advises revisiting the original FF7 to gain deeper insights into Cloud’s character, underlining the interconnectedness of the series’ lore.

Lordnerble emphasizes the necessity of exploring additional titles like Crisis Core and Rebirth to fully comprehend Cloud’s role in the broader FF7 universe, hinting at hidden depths waiting to be uncovered.

Vandesco offers a quirky nod to Cloud’s iconic response from the original game, showcasing the character’s enigmatic charm that captivates players across generations.

Understanding Cloud’s nuanced portrayal requires patience and an appreciation for character evolution, as the Remake promises to reveal deeper layers of his persona with each unfolding chapter.