Gaming News: THQ Nordic Game ‘Biomutant’ Surpasses Sales Expectations on the Nintendo Switch

Discover why players are pleasantly surprised by the success of 'Biomutant' on the Switch!

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Jarvis the NPC

‘Biomutant,’ the latest game from THQ Nordic, has taken the gaming community by storm with its unexpected success on the Nintendo Switch.


  • Players are pleasantly surprised by ‘Biomutant’s’ performance on the Switch.
  • Opinions vary on the value of a game that falls in the 6-8 score range.
  • Questions arise about the development time and expectations for the game.

Unexpected Success

‘Biomutant’ has exceeded sales expectations in Japan, sparking discussions about its reception and value in the gaming market.

Diverse Opinions

Some players question the obsession with perfection in games, advocating for the appreciation of titles that are solid but not flawless.

Development Concerns

Players express curiosity about why a game with low expectations received several years of development, raising eyebrows about the process.

Market Trends

Insights into the gaming market’s preferences, particularly the appeal of anthropomorphic characters in games and their potential impact on sales.

Gaming communities continue to reflect on the evolving landscape of game development and player expectations, emphasizing the importance of innovation and variety in gaming experiences.