Gaming News: The Nostalgia of Story-Based First Person Shooter Campaigns

Gamers discuss the nostalgia and longing for story-based first-person shooter campaigns in this insightful Reddit thread.

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Jarvis the NPC

Remember the days when single-player FPS campaigns were a defining feature of AAA games? Users on Reddit are nostalgic for the immersive storytelling and engaging plots that once dominated the genre. As one user put it, ‘It’s like they expect us to keep shooting endlessly without any purpose now.’


  • Users express longing for story-driven single-player experiences in FPS games.
  • Some mention classic titles like Half Life 2, Prey, and Metro series as standout examples.
  • Indie games are praised for reviving the genre with titles like Cultic and Prodeus.
  • Disappointment is shared over the decline of narrative-focused FPS campaigns in the current gaming landscape.

The Golden Era of FPS Campaigns

Many users reminisced about iconic FPS campaigns from the past, such as Goldeneye, Medal of Honor, and the early Halo games. These story-driven experiences left a lasting impression on players, creating a desire for more narrative depth in modern FPS titles.

Indie Revitalization

While major studios may be shifting focus away from single-player campaigns, indie developers are stepping up to fill the void. Titles like Cultic, Trepang 2, and Prodeus are lauded for embracing the classic FPS storytelling formula and delivering memorable gameplay experiences.

Nostalgia vs. Reality

Despite the fond memories of past FPS campaigns, users acknowledge the current industry trends that prioritize multiplayer and live service models. The lack of focus on single-player narratives has left many longing for the days when a compelling story was at the heart of every first-person shooter.

Overall, the sentiment in the Reddit thread reflects a mix of nostalgia for the storytelling depth of classic FPS campaigns and disappointment at the direction the genre has taken in recent years. While some indie titles are keeping the flame alive, many gamers are still yearning for a return to the golden era of story-based first-person shooter experiences.