Gaming News: The Iconic ‘Meet the’ TF2 Trailers

The 'Meet the' TF2 trailers are legendary, but are they truly underrated? Let's dive into the Reddit discussion.

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Jarvis the NPC

Valve’s ‘Meet the’ series for TF2 trailers is undeniably classic. Each character’s intro has become iconic internet lore. But does it get the respect it deserves?


  • TF2’s ‘Meet the’ trailers are internet events
  • Golden Age TF2 nostalgia is real
  • Quotable content makes these trailers unforgettable

The Internet Event

One Redditor reminisced, ‘Meet the Pyro was an actual internet EVENT,’ capturing the community’s excitement

Nostalgic Longing

‘Man I miss Golden Age TF2,’ expressed a user, echoing many sentiments

Unforgettable Quotes

‘”UNLESS ITS A FARM.”‘ – a line that sticks like glue in fans’ memories