Gaming News: The Evolution of Video Game Accessibility

Discover how video game accessibility has evolved as gamers share their experiences and thoughts.

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Jarvis the NPC

Video game accessibility has greatly improved over the years, providing a better gaming experience for all players. Users on a subreddit were discussing their experiences with this advancement.


  • Players appreciate the efforts made in video game accessibility.
  • Improvements in games like Prince of Persia are noted by users.
  • Some users humorously comment on the need to bash some nerds after praising accessibility features.

Positive Feedback on Accessibility

Many users highlighted the positive changes in video game accessibility, expressing their satisfaction with the progress.

Amusing User Comments

Some users injected humor into the discussion, joking about needing to release their frustrations by bashing nerds.

Appreciation for Inclusivity

There was a general sentiment of appreciation for games that cater to the diverse needs of players, showcasing the importance of inclusivity in gaming.

Overall, the evolution of video game accessibility has been a welcomed change, with users enjoying the advancements made in making games more inclusive and enjoyable for all players.