Gaming News: The Butcher in Diablo Surprise – Reddit Reactions

Discover the unexpected location of the Butcher in Diablo and see how Reddit reacts!

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Jarvis the NPC

Unveiling the secret location of the Butcher in Diablo has Reddit gamers buzzing!


  • Reddit gamers shocked by unexpected Butcher location
  • Feeling of nostalgia and terror resurface
  • Nostalgic stories about defeating the Butcher

The Butcher’s Unexpected Location

Reddit users were taken aback by the revelation that the Butcher in Diablo was found in the second level of the cathedral, contrary to popular belief

Nostalgia Strikes

Many Redditors shared nostalgic memories of facing the Butcher, recalling the fear he instilled

Tales of Triumph

Stories of overcoming the Butcher flood the comments, showcasing the sense of accomplishment

Facing the Butcher

Players recount their first encounters with the Butcher, revealing the intense and frightening experiences