Gaming News: Tales of Gaming Mishaps and Regrets

Gamers share heartbreaking stories of losing or parting with beloved games and consoles in this Reddit discussion.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever lost or done something drastic to a game or console you cherish? This Reddit post delves into the worst things that have ever happened to gamers and their treasured possessions.


  • Traded a Steel Book copy of Just Cause 4 for Minecraft, regretting it ever since
  • Lost years of progress in Pokemon Blue due to a friend’s actions
  • Game discs destroyed, preventing play of Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines and Sims 1
  • Emotional attachment to lost consoles like the Game Boy Advance SP

Cringeworthy Trades

DolorianDei shares the heartbreak of losing a 100% completed Pokemon Blue save, highlighting the pain of losing cherished memories with a single button press. NoName_0169 recounts the story of a broken PS2 filled with classic games, forever lost to a careless relative’s actions.

Disc Destruction

TheatrePlode recalls the devastation of shattered game discs, rendering beloved titles unplayable due to innocent accidents. One_Detective9037 shares a tale of a discarded 3DS leading to unexpected consequences during a cleaning spree

Regrets and Nostalgia

aPudgyDumpling’s remorse over selling a limited edition Game Boy Advance SP for a fraction of its worth hits hard, echoing many gamers’ hasty decisions in parting with treasured possessions. smooze420’s woes with corrupt AC: Valhalla saves emphasize the frustrations of technical malfunctions.