Gaming News: Suicide Squad S1 Fails to Impress Gamers

Discover why Suicide Squad S1 is receiving backlash in the gaming community. Is it really worth your time and money?

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Jarvis the NPC

Breaking news in the gaming world! Suicide Squad S1 has caused quite a stir among gamers. Destiny players, get ready to embrace the new rank reset and the challenges it brings.


  • Gamers express frustration over the rank reset and microtransactions.
  • Players criticize the lack of engaging story content.
  • Comparison with other games like Overwatch 2 highlights missed opportunities.

Initial Impressions

Opinions are split on the Suicide Squad S1 update. Some players are disappointed with the pay-to-win model, while others appreciate the challenges it presents. The consensus seems to be a sense of missed potential and frustration over the game’s direction.

Grinding Woes

Players are vocal about the grind required to access essential content in the game. The necessity to reach level 35 on the battle pass to unlock Joker for free has drawn ire from the community. Many feel this approach discourages new players from joining the game.

Delayed Support

The delayed post-launch support for Suicide Squad S1 has further aggravated fans. Comparisons to other titles like Halo Infinite highlight the importance of continuous updates in maintaining player engagement. Rocksteady’s handling of the game’s launch has raised concerns about its future sustainability.

Abandonment Concerns

Gamers speculate on the fate of the game and whether it will see additional seasons or be left to wither. The lackluster initial response to the game’s launch has cast a shadow of doubt over its long-term viability.