Gaming News: Sodaman’s Design Dilemma Divides the Team

Sodaman's designer has split the team with their new drawing. Which version will prevail in this epic battle of artistic visions?

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Jarvis the NPC

It’s Gaming News time! Sodaman’s team faces a creative crisis as their designer’s new drawing sparks a divisive debate. The future of Sodaman hangs in the balance as opinions clash over the best design direction. Let’s dive into the Reddit post and unravel this artistic showdown!


  • The new design leans towards a wackier, more over-the-top style reminiscent of characters from games like Apex Legends.
  • Feedback on the new design criticizes the unshaded hands and overall quality compared to the old design.
  • Suggestions vary from sticking with one design to incorporating elements from both to create a hybrid version.

Stylistic Preferences

G4l4h34d appreciates the stylistic consistency of the new design’s upper body, while LordDrakced emphasizes the choice between realistic military versus fun, over-the-top vibes.

Design Quality

Roofkat points out issues with the hands in the new version, questioning their shading and quality in comparison to the old design. ClassyKrakenStudios suggests combining the best aspects of both designs for a stronger overall look.

Diverse Opinions

DoomerDuck finds the new design too cluttered, while SelfCleaningOrifice values the clean silhouette of the old design. WranglerFuzzy highlights the importance of context and game aesthetic in choosing between the two versions.

Despite the conflicting viewpoints, the battle between old and new rages on, with each side fiercely advocating for their preferred Sodaman look. As the team grapples with this design dilemma, the fate of Sodaman hangs in the balance. Which version will emerge victorious? Only time will tell in this epic clash of artistic visions.