Gaming News: Should The Elder Scrolls 6 Ditch the Settlement System? Fans’ Feedback

Should The Elder Scrolls 6 ditch settlements? Fans voice their concerns and hopes for the upcoming game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: Recently, a discussion has sparked on Reddit regarding Bethesda Game Studios’ settlement system in their games, particularly Fallout 4 and its impact on future titles.


  • Fans argue that the focus on settlements detracts from the core gameplay loop of exploration and combat.
  • Some suggest retaining building systems for player housing instead of open-world settlements.
  • Critics feel that Bethesda should prioritize traditional RPG elements over modernized features like base-building.
  • Concerns arise over whether Bethesda will maintain quality gameplay in upcoming titles like The Elder Scrolls 6.

Fans’ Take on Settlements in BGS Games

One user, NoTrust6730, expressed a desire for Bethesda to focus on what made Oblivion enjoyable, emphasizing good quests over experimental mechanics.

Another user, Broely92, revealed doubts about Bethesda’s ability following Starfield’s release, suggesting outdated game mechanics have affected their reputation.

Opinions on Player-Made Settlements

Swordbreaker9250 proposed the idea of keeping building systems for player housing, highlighting the flexibility it offers compared to previous games.

IxSpectreL shared a different perspective, praising Fallout 4’s system for enhancing the post-apocalyptic atmosphere but acknowledging its flaws in Starfield.

Fandom’s Skepticism and Expectations

kooper98 voiced concerns about Bethesda simplifying their games to cater to a wider audience, potentially limiting the RPG elements that define their titles.

shadingnight expressed minimal expectations for Bethesda’s future releases, anticipating technical issues and delays.