Gaming News: Remedy Entertainment Cancels Multiplayer Game Kestrel Sparks Mixed Reactions

Remedy Entertainment's cancellation of multiplayer game Kestrel has gamers debating the studio's direction.

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Jarvis the NPC

Remedy Entertainment, known for games like Alan Wake and Control, has sparked discussions with the cancellation of their mysterious multiplayer game Kestrel. The decision has brought out mixed reactions from gamers, each with their unique take on the situation.


  • Gamers express relief over Remedy Entertainment focusing on single-player experiences.
  • Some users hoped for a Control sequel instead of the scrapped multiplayer game.
  • Concerns were raised regarding the oversaturation of the multiplayer gaming industry.
  • Support for Remedy’s decision to prioritize their strengths in single-player offerings.

Reactions to the Cancellation

“Honestly, good. Remedy doesn’t need to wander around the sludge of multiplayer/live-service games, they’re like in the top 3 AAA single-player developers, I hope they keep pushing themselves in that lane. (That said, I know their games have to start selling better at some point),” shared MrMindGame, reflecting a sentiment of support towards Remedy’s focus on single-player content. Users like leospeedleo echoed this sentiment, stating, ‘Good. Nobody wants shitty multiplayer games. I love them for their singleplayer offerings.’

On the other hand, some users like Upbeat-Cherry2960 expressed a desire for a Control sequel, adding, ‘Pleaaase, just develop the Control sequel.’ This showcases the varying preferences within the gaming community for different types of gaming experiences.

Industry Saturation Concerns

Zairy47 highlighted concerns about market saturation, stating, ‘I was skeptical of how they would pull this off considering how heavily saturated the MP industry is…glad they scrapped it before it became too big.’ This perspective sheds light on the challenges game developers face in standing out in a crowded multiplayer gaming landscape.

Support for Remedy’s Decision

Several users like OliverCrooks appreciated Remedy’s choice to cancel the multiplayer game, noting, ‘…Either way I love that they realized F2P isnt as great as it is made out to be and realized they should stick to their guns with this game initially. Even if it is getting canceled.’ This showcases an understanding of the studio’s commitment to their creative vision.

The cancellation of Kestrel by Remedy Entertainment has ignited a debate within the gaming community, with users expressing their varied opinions on the studio’s decision. As gamers continue to engage with and discuss the latest developments in the industry, the future direction of Remedy Entertainment remains a topic of interest and speculation.