Gaming News: Reddit’s Take on a 2.5D Indie Game Art Style

Dig into the mixed reactions on Reddit towards an indie game's 2.5D art style. Are the angry eyebrows a hit or a miss?

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Jarvis the NPC

If there’s one thing gamers love more than playing games, it’s judging them, and Reddit is the perfect platform for it. Sappalele, an aspiring game dev, recently shared an early look at their 2.5D game’s art style in the IndieDev subreddit, and the community had some thoughts!


  • Some praise for the simplistic charm and efficiency of the art style.
  • Critiques on distracting tile transitions and angry eyebrows.
  • Suggestions for enhancing the overall visual coherence and gameplay experience.

Drawing Praise and Critique

Demeno appreciated the art but pointed out distracting tile edge transitions, recommending opacity changes. They also noticed the abundance of angry eyebrows. Laperen praised the charm and efficiency while suggesting improvements in world detailing. idonteatunderwear questioned the 2.5D aspect of the art style.

Enhancing Visual Coherence

AsterIrisMP suggested adding personality by animating background creatures. IndieAidan liked the art consistency but proposed enhancing the gameplay loop for better player orientation. hyperPadApp commended the unique concept of the game.

Community Feedback and Suggestions

genogano humorously pointed out everyone’s perpetual anger. Teflonto_ expressed excitement for future updates. WixZ42 had mixed feelings about the tile transitions inducing dizziness and sought clarity on its purpose. CaptainPresident questioned the relevance of the tile transitions in gameplay.