Gaming News: Reddit’s Biggest Kickstarter Red Flags Revealed

Discover the major crowdfunding warning signs from the gaming community on Reddit.

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: The Reddit community discusses their top Kickstarter red flags, warning others about what immediately turns them off from backing a project.


  • Poorly made trailers and overambitious claims turn off potential backers.
  • Professionalism, proofreading, and appealing visuals are essential for successful campaigns.
  • Patronizing explanations and misleading developer backgrounds are red flags for backers.
  • Complex or overly ambitious game mechanics from small teams can raise skepticism.

Warning Signs in Game Development

The community highlighted warning signs that often deter them from supporting a Kickstarter project. One user mentioned that poorly made trailers with prototyped combat instantly lead to tab closure. Another red flag was the use of buzzword soup like ‘Battle-royale with Stardew Valley fishing.’ Such attempts to blend unrelated genres can come off as desperate and unoriginal.

Professionalism is Key

A user who successfully ran game Kickstarters emphasized the importance of professionalism in campaigns. Lack of proofreading, appealing imagery, or a base level of quality can significantly hinder a project’s chances of funding. They noted that even well-presented campaigns may struggle to find an audience if these elements are lacking.

Developer Credibility Matters

Backers are cautious when developers boast about their backgrounds without substance. The post cited instances where exaggerated job titles like ‘development lead’ turned out to be misleading, with individuals having minimal relevant experience. The credibility of the developer’s claimed expertise greatly influences backer trust.

Ambitious Mechanics vs. Realistic Expectations

The community discussed the balance between innovative game mechanics and feasibility. While unique gameplay features can attract interest, overly ambitious or convoluted mechanics raise skepticism. They highlighted the unrealistic nature of some project pitches, especially from small teams, cautioning against promising too much without the capacity to deliver.