Gaming News: Redditors Discuss Backlog Games During Hypothetical Game Drought

What games would you play if there were no new releases for 10 years? Reddit gamers share their backlog plans!

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: A Reddit post poses a hypothetical scenario: all live service games die, and there are no new releases for the next 10 years. Users discuss which games from their backlog they would dive into.


  • Redditors plan to revisit classic single-player games during a game drought.
  • Some users mention starting games like The Witcher series and Fallout.
  • Many are excited to finally tackle their gaming backlogs without new distractions.

LibraryOwlAz: Revisiting Classics

LibraryOwlAz mentions wanting to go through the Final Fantasy series and check out old mascot platformers to see if they still hold up.

LifeSacrificed: Final Fantasy Endeavors

LifeSacrificed plans to play various Final Fantasy titles and possibly dive into the highly praised Final Fantasy IX.

hotkarl628: Embracing Steam Sales

hotkarl628 humorously states that with depression and ADHD, the void can only be filled by Steam sales.