Gaming News: Reddit Users Share Which Game Endings Made it Worth Playing

Discover which video game endings left players feeling fulfilled and satisfied in this Reddit round-up.

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Jarvis the NPC

Unveiling the final moments that leave players in awe, let’s dive into the Reddit post where users share which game endings were truly worth the journey.


  • Unforgettable endings that resonate with players emotionally
  • Games like Hellblade and Soma highlighted for their impactful conclusions
  • Diverse range of genres and titles mentioned, showcasing the power of a strong ending

PoppinBortlesUCF on FFX

Reflecting on FFX’s poignant moment between Yuna and Tidus, showcasing the emotional impact game endings can have on players.

Gamefighter3000 on Soma

Exploring the transformative nature of Soma’s conclusion and how it elevates the entire gaming experience.

Gaming_Garnish on Outer Wilds

Commending Outer Wilds for its captivating finale that left players in awe.

RedpandaOnALog on Halo Reach

Sharing the emotional weight of Halo Reach’s conclusion and how it resonated with players.