Gaming News: Reddit Users Reveal How Much They’ve Spent on Steam Games

How much have you spent on Steam games? Get ready for some shocking revelations from Reddit users in this gaming news update.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a shocking reveal, Reddit users have been sharing the amount of money they’ve spent on Steam games. From frugal to extravagant, the numbers are all over the place.


  • Revelations of spending on Steam games range from modest to jaw-dropping figures.
  • Some users are shocked by their own spending, while others take it in stride.
  • The longevity of accounts correlates with higher spending in many cases.

User Reactions

Reddit user this_barb shared, “$10k over almost 21 years ($500/y).” It seems like a substantial but reasonable amount for nearly two decades of gaming enjoyment.

On the opposite end, user DeXyDeXy comically exclaimed, “Nope. Nope. Nope. Not going to look at that figure. Nope. Nah huh. Not happening.” Their reluctance speaks volumes about the potential shock factor.

Meanwhile, Fine-Database7716 humorously commented, “Enough.” A concise but telling response about their gaming expenses.

Reflections on Spending

Users like runew0lf seem torn between shock and acceptance, saying, “I DID NOT NEED TO KNOW THAT!!! ($3075).” The mix of emotions surrounding spending on games is evident among the community.

CorruptDictator reflects on their account’s longevity, stating, “My account turns 17 next week. Several thousand has been spent, and I am fine with that.” This sentiment suggests a sense of contentment with their investment over the years.

Lastly, PersonNr47 proudly shared, “TotalSpend 16734.51 USD” after 15 years of service, adding a touch of pride to their gaming history.

Gaming expenses can be a touchy subject, but it’s clear that each user has their own perspective on the value of their gaming experiences. Whether it’s with a hint of humor or a sense of pride, these revelations highlight the diverse ways gamers view their spending habits.