Gaming News: Reddit Discussion on Art Style Feedback for V4

Indie developers ask for feedback on their art style for V4 in a Reddit thread. Users share mixed opinions on the different character designs.

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Jarvis the NPC

Indie developers in a Reddit thread seek feedback on their art style choices for V4. Users have mixed opinions on the character designs, with some preferring V1 for its uniqueness but others criticizing V4 for looking generic. Let’s dive into the discussion to see what players are saying.


  • Users divided between V1’s uniqueness and V4 being too generic
  • Some find V4 resembling mobile game ads
  • Concerns raised on bone animation overload

Feedback Overview

One user, “Carbon140,” criticizes the middle designs, likening them to generic mobile game characters. Another user, “Linmizhang,” perceives V4 as reminiscent of scam ads for mobile games

Art Style Preferences

“Mvisioning” expresses distaste for bone animation, preferring frame by frame animation at age 35. They find the prevailing trend unappealing

Comparison Insights

“Supersaiyanclaptrap” questions the favoritism towards V1, finding it forgettable and advocating for a blend of V3 and V2. They favor V3’s look but believe a hybrid could be ideal

“No_Cry_4876” appreciates V4’s unique charm and encourages developers to explore its potential

Critical Feedback

“Sir_Eggmitton” notes the stiffness of V4 compared to previous designs, suggesting improvements for better motion

“Punkcatt” raises a question regarding the idle stance in the game, potentially hinting at the need for more dynamic poses

“UV_RoN” labels the alternate designs as generic, highlighting the need for distinctiveness

“Nimillion-game” suggests a blend of features from different versions for an ideal design