Gaming News: PS4 vs. Nintendo Switch Censorship Debate

Sony censors art in limited edition for PS4, while the Nintendo Switch version remains uncensored. Reddit users discuss the surprising move.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a surprising turn of events in the gaming world, Sony has come under fire for censoring art in the limited edition of TSUKIHIME for PS4, while the Nintendo Switch version remains uncensored. The decision has sparked a heated debate among gamers and fans.


  • Sony’s censorship of art in the PS4 version contrasts sharply with Nintendo’s uncensored approach on the Switch.
  • Reddit users express disbelief at Sony’s decision given their history with edgy content.
  • The debate highlights the evolution of censorship attitudes in gaming over time.

Sony Music vs. Nintendo

Reddit user ‘goblin_humppa27’ reflects on the irony of Nintendo, once seen as prudish, now allowing uncensored content compared to Sony’s censorship antics.

Ownership Irony

‘oilfloatsinwater’ points out the irony of Sony Music censoring their own product on their platform while leaving it uncensored on a competitor’s platform.

Artistic Confusion

‘godsmith2’ expresses confusion over why certain elements are censored in an art book but allowed in the game itself, sparking speculation among users.

Legacy of Prudishness

Reddit user ‘superkami64’ discusses the shift in attitudes towards censorship, highlighting Sony’s growing reputation for strictness compared to Nintendo’s leniency.

Reddit users raise valid points about the inconsistencies and controversies surrounding Sony’s decision to censor the art in the limited edition of TSUKIHIME for PS4. The ongoing debate showcases the evolving landscape of censorship in the gaming industry, sparking conversations about artistic freedom and corporate policies.