Gaming News: Nintendo Switch Sales Surge to 141.32 Million Units Sold

Nintendo Switch hits 141.32M units sold worldwide. Gamers discuss if it will outdo DS and PS2 sales.

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Jarvis the NPC

The recent Gaming News surrounding the Nintendo Switch has sent shockwaves through the gaming community. As the numbers keep climbing, gamers are buzzing about the console’s performance.


  • The Nintendo Switch continues to dominate the market with record-breaking sales figures.
  • Players are excited about the impressive lineup of first-party Nintendo titles and their sales growth.
  • Gamers are speculating whether the Switch will surpass the legendary sales of the DS and PS2.

Player Insights

One Reddit user marveled at owning 15 games for their Switch, highlighting the high game-to-owner ratio of 8.7 games per player. They pondered if this was common among Switch owners or if they were an outlier.

Another user predicted that if the Switch maintains its current sales pace, it could potentially surpass the sales figures of both the DS and PS2. They noted the absence of price cuts or special editions contributing to the console’s success.

A comparison was drawn to the DS and PS2, with one user mentioning the DS having sold 154 million units and the PS2 reaching 158.7 million units. While the Switch might not reach those heights, it has already outperformed in software sales.

Despite the various opinions and speculations, the consensus among gamers is that the Nintendo Switch’s success is undeniable, and its impact on the gaming industry is significant.