Gaming News: Midnight Suns – Love It or Hate It?

Midnight Suns gets mixed reviews from gamers. Find out why opinions differ in the gaming community!

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Jarvis the NPC

Many gamers have strong opinions about Midnight Suns, with some loving it and others feeling indifferent. The game has sparked debates on various aspects of its gameplay and storytelling, leading to a diverse range of viewpoints among players.


  • Opinions on Midnight Suns are polarized, with some praising its unique aspects while others criticize its repetitive nature.
  • Players appreciate the TTRPG elements but express concerns over aspects like pacing and dialogue length.


“It didn’t reach critical acclaim but I’ve never seen anyone talk bad about Midnight Suns.”


“Blades bookclub is the sort of stuff we just don’t see enough of in videogame storytelling.”


“I loved the TTRPG aspects, the life Sim aspects not so much. Good thing all of that is pretty easily skippable.”


“I think it’s more accurate to say a lot of people didn’t try it…”


“Enjoy it, but it doesn’t keep my attention consistently. Kinda wish it was just turn based combat instead of the cards. I like how bad ass Dr. Strange is, and Magik is awesome!”



“Good. Enjoy what games you want to. Don’t let anyone else decide for you.”


“I had a lot of fun playing this game, my only issue was it had TOO much dialogue, but I do wish for a Midnight Suns 2.”