Gaming News: LittleBigPlanet 3 PS4 Online Shutdown Sparks Mixed Reactions

The closure of LittleBigPlanet 3 online services on PS4 leads to a range of emotions in the gaming community.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the latest Gaming News, the announcement of the LittleBigPlanet 3 PS4 online shutdown has stirred a mix of emotions among gamers. Many are reminiscing about their cherished memories in the game while others are questioning the reasoning behind the decision.


  • Players express nostalgia and appreciation for the LittleBigPlanet series.
  • Some speculate on potential new installments in the franchise.
  • Concerns arise regarding the impact of the online shutdown on user-created content.
  • Debate ensues on the nature of ongoing support for multiplayer games.

Players Reflect on Fond Memories

Amidst the news, users like Jwsaf fondly recall their experiences playing LittleBigPlanet with loved ones, illustrating the sentimental value the game holds for many.

Speculation on Future Releases

Users like sub2pewdiepieONyt eagerly anticipate the possibility of a new LittleBigPlanet game following the announcement, highlighting the ongoing interest in the franchise.

Concerns over User-Created Content

With the closure of online features, members like Sky_no7 express worries about losing the extensive creative content made by the community over the years, underlining the significance of user-generated levels in the game.

Debate on Game Support

Discussions such as that of Bowens1993 delve into the sustainability of ongoing support for multiplayer titles, sparking debates on the expectations surrounding the longevity of such games.